Resize Video

Resize your videos to any dimension, adjust quality, and choose your preferred format - all in your browser.

Upload a video file
Supported formats: MP4, WebM, MOV, AVI (Max 500MB)

Original Video

1920 × 1080

Resize Options

Choose a preset size or enter custom dimensions

Choose Dimensions


Output Format

Quality Settings

Video Resized Successfully

Your video has been resized and is ready to download

Original Size
1920 × 1080
New Size
1280 × 720
File Size
4.2 MB

100% Private

Your videos never leave your device. All processing happens directly in your browser for complete privacy and security.

Any Dimension

Resize videos to standard sizes like 720p, 1080p, square format, or specify your own custom dimensions.

Quality Control

Choose from multiple quality settings and output formats to get the perfect balance of quality and file size.

Resizing Video...
This may take a few minutes depending on the video length and selected options

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